Let’s see what do the stars have lined up for various sun signs. Here is today’s horoscope and rashifal. This is provided by renowned Astrologer & Pandit Bhavya Shastri

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Your energy levels are high, Aries, making it a great day for tackling projects and taking charge. Focus on your goals and stay determined. Don’t let minor setbacks derail your progress. Trust your instincts, and you’ll navigate any challenges smoothly.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): You may feel a bit restless today, Taurus, craving change and excitement. Use this energy to shake up your routine or explore new interests. Be open to unexpected opportunities that come your way. Embrace spontaneity and enjoy the adventure.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Communication is key today, Gemini. Express yourself clearly and listen attentively to others. Your quick wit and charm will help you navigate any conversations with ease. Stay open-minded and adaptable, and you’ll find solutions to any conflicts that arise.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Focus on self-care today, Cancer. Take time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Whether it’s through meditation, exercise, or simply indulging in your favorite activities, prioritize your well-being. Trust your intuition to guide you toward what you truly need.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): You’re feeling confident and ambitious today, Leo. Channel your energy into pursuing your goals and asserting your authority. Your natural charisma will help you inspire others and lead effectively. Don’t be afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Attention to detail is crucial today, Virgo. Take care of any tasks or responsibilities with precision and efficiency. Organize your environment to create a sense of order and clarity. By staying focused and disciplined, you’ll accomplish your goals with ease.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Balance is key today, Libra. Find harmony between work and play, and prioritize your relationships. Take time to connect with loved ones and nurture those connections. Trust in the power of cooperation and compromise to strengthen your bonds.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): You’re in tune with your emotions today, Scorpio. Allow yourself to feel deeply and explore your innermost thoughts and desires. Trust your intuition to guide you toward meaningful insights and transformative experiences. Embrace vulnerability as a source of strength.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Your adventurous spirit is calling today, Sagittarius. Seek out new experiences and broaden your horizons. Embrace spontaneity and follow your curiosity wherever it leads. Stay open to the possibilities that present themselves along the way.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Focus on your long-term goals today, Capricorn. Set ambitious targets for yourself and take practical steps toward achieving them. Your determination and perseverance will pay off in the long run. Trust in your abilities and stay disciplined in your pursuit of success.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): You’re feeling innovative and forward-thinking today, Aquarius. Embrace your unique perspective and think outside the box. Use your creativity to solve problems and inspire those around you. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo and make waves.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Take time to recharge your spiritual batteries today, Pisces. Connect with your inner wisdom and reflect on your dreams and aspirations. Trust in the power of intuition and imagination to guide you toward greater fulfillment. Surrender to the flow of life and embrace the magic all around you