Aquarius takes its place in the big ‘zodiac orchestra’ as a tune of its very own that is under the influence of Uranus, the planet of progress and upheaval. This sign’s representatives possess a rebellious nature, respect people’s right to improve the world, and have rather unconventional values. Gentle reader, welcome to our metaphysical space travel where we will seek to explain what Aquarius is all about, character, compatibility, and the cosmos.

Aquarius Personality Traits

Any genuine fan of this sign will surely need to acknowledge the Aquarians zeal for freedom and uniqueness. The ruling planet of Aquarians is Uranus which translates to mean that the toughest Aquarians are the rebels with dreams. They have an active, even avid, mental conscientiousness and are always on the lookout for new ideas and new paradigms with which to look at things and newer solutions to old problems. While they are bit aloof and solitary, Aquarians are one of the most humanitarian signs and determined by the quest for improvement of the world.

Aquarius Dates

People born with this zodiac sign are found between 20th January to 18th February; they symbolise a change of seasons from winter to spring. This period is associated with renewal and the spirit of innovation, which is truly characteristic of Aquarius’s guiding planet – Uranus. Just as the other people wake up from their bed and start their day with a positive energy to achieve the goals set for the day, similarly, Aquarians get up to start their day for attaining their goal of changing the world.

Aquarius Compatibility

Unlike the Water Bearer’s actual appearance, the emotional and romantic life of Aquarians is well-organised, creative, and inventive – they look for like-minded individuals with progressive views and original ideas. They are attracted to partners who respect their choices and that people have rights to personal liberties and choices and the freedom to do what they want. By nature, people born under the sign of Gemini and Libra, which is the other air sign, tend to engage Aquarius in stimulating and witty conversations, hence creating very balanced and lively relationships. On the other, Aries’ luminous passion and Sagittarius jovial adventure creates an apt foundation for a strong bond with Aquarius.

As teams, Aquarians rely highly on both friendship and professional compatibility because they are a sign of people who love change and everything that is new. They best operate in situations which allow them personal freedom to share their opinion and team effort. Gemini and Aquarius have a very good rapport with each other as they are similar in that they both love to indulge in lots of conversation and they also enjoy going out. On the other hand, Taurus provides the much needed Earth element while Capricorn offers the necessary discipline to Aquarius which sometimes appears to be too quirky.

Aquarius Lucky Number

Each zodiac sign is said to have its own lucky number considered to be benefiting the owner and affecting the destiny. In the same way the number 7 is associated with Aquarians, and it conveys the message of intuition, spiritual and inner wisdom. Led by this favourable digit Aquarians thus steer their ways through life with consciousness and understanding, welcoming the unknown with wide arms open to possibilities.

Cosmic Alignment

Closely related to the personality and destiny of an Aquarius are the positions of stars and celestial bodies when the person was born. Born under the Uranus sign, Aquarians have a liberal and forward thinking element within them. In addition to the sun sign, the moon and other planetary positions help determine an Aquarius’s emotional core and creative abilities, thus helping them navigate their path in the universe.

Hence, it might be summed up that the freedom-loving spirit of Aquarius, their philosophes and peculiar rationality are the features that define them most of all. As born rebels with beauty, imagination, and technology oriented minds, Aquarians provide light for the world with their outlook into the future by being humanitarian in nature. Therefore, while nosing through the astral constellation of astrology, let us welcome the leitmotif of Aquarius and strive for a tolerant society that would nurture every individual’s uniqueness and awesome capabilities.