Suryadev Mantra

Mantras are affirmations said repeatedly to focus and calm the mind. Suryadev mantra is repeated to invoke powers of the god, praying for knowledge and health. Several mantras are dedicated to the Sun God. Here are a few of them. 

  1. The Surya Mantra

“Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine,

Ayurarogya Maisvairyam Dehi Devah Jagatpate”

Meaning- Surya Deva, ruler of the Universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace. I bow to you, and please bless your devotees with long life, health, and wealth.

  1. Aditya Gayatri mantra

 “Om Bhaskaraya Vidhmahe
Diva karaya Dheemahe
Thanno Surya Prachodayath

Meaning: Om, Let me meditate on the Sun God, Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect, And let Sun God illuminate my mind.

  1. Surya Beej Mantra

“Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah”

Meaning: I salute the Great God Sun for his divine grace

Surya Mantra is also recited while doing Surya Namaskara, a series of poses in Yoga. The Surya namaskar has 12 poses in total, hence 12 mantras are recited while performing them. Each of the mantras bear a meaning of praying to dim the darkness and illuminate light into the lives of every organism in the world. Performing Surya Namaskar while reciting the mantra helps tackle physical as well as mental health of the performer. 

How does Surya mantra benefit

Reciting any mantra is praying to the god to help the world with their powers. The Surya mantra is also the same. Suryadev has the power to dim the darkness and enlighten the world with his knowledge and light. Seeking blessing while reciting the Surya mantra is praying for light in life and knowledge. Chanting Surya Mantra helps to increase endurance and seek the grace of Suryadev. Surya Namaskara also goes by the same concept. Chanting Surya mantra while performing the poses helps with concentration and increases attention time. Yoga also helps with physical health and leads the path of spirituality. 

Reciting Surya mantra during sunrise with fresh mind and clean clothes has been a ritual of habit to most of the Indians. Facing East, when the Sun rises, praying with utter devotion and grace, the Sun God helps people heal with his sunrays and power. The best time to recite the Surya mantra is in the morning when sun just rises, facing it. Mantras are usually recited in the multiples of 9, being 9, 18, 27 or 108. 

Suryadev Aarthi

The Suryadev Aarthi mantra goes as:

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Tribhuvana-Timira-Nikandana, Bhakta-Hridaya-Chandana॥

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Sapta-Ashvaratha Rajita, Ek Chakradhari।

Dukhahari-Sukhakari, Manasa-Mala-Hari॥

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Sura-Muni-Bhusura-Vandita, Vimala Vibhavashali।

Agha-Dala-Dalana Diwakara, Divya Kirana Mali॥

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Sakala-Sukarma-Prasavita, Savita Shubhakari।

Vishwa-Vilochana Mochana, Bhava Bandhana Bhari॥

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Kamala-Samuha-Vikasaka, Nashaka Traya Tapa।

Sevata Sahaja Harata, Ati Manasija-Santapa॥

Jai Kashyap-Nandan, Om Jai Aditi-Nandan।

Netra-Vyadhi-Hara Survara Bhu-Pida-Hari।

Vrishti-Vimochana Santata Parahita-Vratadhari॥

The Suryadev Aarthi is considered the most powerful mantra of Surya. The above mantra is called the Jai Kashyap Nandan mantra. The meaning of the mantra goes like,

“The child of Kashyapa and Aditi, the Lord of three universes who command light and darkness. The remover of darkness and cooler of heart, who sits on a chariot driven by seven white peonies, the remover of torment and darkness in the heart, you are prayed by your followers, Brahmins, please take the offerings. The controller of day and night, destroyer of sins and beams divinity, the one who causes lotus to bloom, please remove me of my sins and bless me with knowledge and your grace”

Benefits of worshipping Suryadev

The followers of Suryadev are prominently Brahmins who wake up early before sunrise and worship the god. Suryadev dispels his followers’ fears. Praying to Suryadev during his rise helps to improve one’s health and knowledge. Soldiers used to worship Suryadev every morning to get rid of their fear and help tackle the enemies. Suryadev is also said to be worshipped to gain respect and a prominent place in the society. Hence, Suryadev was also believed to bring wealth and success to his believers.