We are all blessed with two extraordinary gifts each morning when we wake up, these are our eyes. But rather than counting our blessings, we tend to blame our lives and desire the things that are not there. We do not thank our eyes that enable us to see the beautiful world around us but try to see the unpleasant things that ruin our moods right in the morning. 

What if we could realise that the previous night was the last for some people? But we are offered another chance to live, grow, and improve. Every day holds a promise of potential, and how we start it can significantly influence the future of our lives. We can make the most of our days and, in turn, our lives. 

Hence, it is essential to begin each day with the right mindset. Here are five principles to dwell upon that can make your life better:

  1.  Begin your day with gratitude 

Every morning when we wake up, we are inclined to charge our devices like mobile phones, laptops, airpods, etc. Don’t just charge your devices, you should also charge yourself up with positivity. There are millions of thoughts that we come across in the morning- equally good and bad. Choose to bring positive thoughts daily in the morning. Gratitude is one of the most powerful positive emotions that can empower our thoughts. 

Gratitude helps us to focus on our blessings and the things that we are enjoying. Developing a state of gratitude will help us to develop a mindset that is more appreciative and enlightened. None of the blessings are worth neglecting. They can seem small but have immense importance in our lives.  

This does not mean we should always ignore our problems. We can instead focus on solving them. Think of the ways that can sort those problems and obstacles. You may have heard “Every problem has a solution”. Hence, focus on the solutions rather than the problem. It’s all about balancing difficulties while emphasising the good. 

  1.  Resolve to have a positive vision 

Nobody in this world is perfect, including ourselves. Everyone has two sides – a good and a bad side. Unfortunately, the mind tends to focus on the bad side, ignoring the good side. This tendency can cover our judgments and lead us to disappointments and unnecessary stress.  

Make a conscious decision to adopt a positive vision every morning. Decide to see the good in people and situations. Learn to accept, neglect, or deal with the negative aspects. Developing a positive vision will help us to allow our minds to be occupied with constructive and uplifting thoughts. This way we will enhance our happiness, productivity, and relationships. 

  1. Trust the broader plan 

We experience various complex events in our lives. Some of these are too hard to be understood immediately. We often feel overwhelmed by challenges and setbacks and try to give up. But it’s necessary to trust that everything happens for a reason. If we do not face difficulties and pain, we can never feel the joy of happiness and success in our lives. 

Tell yourself every morning that whatever happens today is meant for something big in the future. Trust that every incident, whether good or bad, is meant for your growth. It is part of a broader plan for your life. When we have built such a mindset, we can have a sense of peace and purpose. We will eventually reduce our anxiety and foster resilience.

4. Do Little Things Right

Nothing can be achieved without small steps. We desire grand achievements and we overlook the importance of small tasks. Each small step lays the foundation for a large victory. As Admiral William McRaven once said, “Making your bed in the morning will reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

Starting your day by making your bed might seem non-essential, but it sets a tone of discipline and accomplishment. If you can’t do the small things right, you will never be able to make the big things right. Such practices develop a mindset that values attention to detail and consistency.

When we come home to a neatly made bed after a tough day, it serves as a comforting reminder for us. It emphasises the fact that we have control over some aspects of our lives and that tomorrow offers another chance to improve.

5. Decide to Help Someone

They say, “Every person we encounter is fighting a battle we know nothing about”. Hence, be kind. We must recognize the universal struggle and inspire ourselves to approach others with kindness and empathy. Additionally, decide to help someone each day, whether in a small act of kindness or a big offer. This will turn towards you and will provide you assistance when in need.

When we offer empathy, love, and kindness to others, the energy returns to us in phases when we need it the most. By acts of kindness, we not only provide happiness to others but also satisfy our souls. We develop a positive sense of connection and association with the community. It reflects that we are not fighting the battle of life alone,  but our well-wishers are there to help us during bad times. 

Incorporate a Spiritual Practice

Other than these five principles, putting spiritual practice into your early daily morning routine can help us. This is the best way to further illuminate your path. Whether it’s meditation, prayer, yoga, or simply a moment of quiet reflection, a spiritual practice can relax our minds and provide inner peace.

Such practices help us connect our inner selves with the Almighty. We can connect to the world around us on a deeper level. This will offer clarity, calm, and a sense of purpose that can guide us with the challenges throughout the day. You can witness this with a small practise: 

Try to close your eyes, take deeper breaths, and feel the air around you. Feel it hitting you while your eyes are closed. You will ultimately have a sense of relaxation and satisfaction.  

Every morning brings us a new chance and a new day to experience life in a better way and improve upon how we live it. Try incorporating some principles that guide us better through life – begin the day with gratitude, maintain a positive vision, trust the broader plan, focus on doing little things right, and decide to help others. Once you follow these small acts, you will witness a fulfilling and meaningful life. You will develop a mindset that embraces positivity, resilience, and empathy. 

This is to remember that each morning comes with new life challenges while every evening leaves us with wisdom and experience. Treat each morning as a gift and use it as a chance to improve yourself and the world around you. By doing so, you will not only enhance your own life but also contribute to the collective well-being of those you encounter.