In the journey of life, people face conflicts and difficulties in different forms which come as big hurdles in the form of adversary, which aims to demoralise the spirit of an individual and make them lose all desire and hope. Yet, amidst the trials and tribulations, there exists a beacon of unwavering strength: Faith of a Recovering Christian Scientist Manar steps agreed with the author’s Hegelian perspective of hope, as faith inspires hope. It is believed that no matter how hard the struggle may be, the extra motivation that comes with hope provides the much-needed impetus to push through. This paper aims at discussing the given virtues in detail and explains why these virtues are central in best overcoming the existing chaos in the water of life.

To start with, hope can also be viewed as a source of light in a world filled with darkness or hope as an anchor that one drags into a sea of hopelessness. As life itself tosses subjects of its greatest difficulty to us, hope rings the bell, saying it will pass, it must pass. So much so, it gives us that much needed strength to believe that no matter how tough things appear to be, there is always hope waiting in the horizon. Hope propels rejuvenation, as people commence the process of moving on from failure or disappointment and toward betterment.

However, as this cliché aptly goes, hard work pays, but with determination, without having to sweat for it. This is the ultimate truth about hard work and success because it is hard work that lays the foundation of dreams; it is through hard work that people work to convert aspirations into reality. Iron hand and a heart, physical sweat and mental endurance, it takes so much to be part of it but none can compare to the thrill of its return. Diligence pays,_pushing away the normal average and preparing the path for superior quality results.

In addition, doing work imbues the spirit with pride and satisfaction which is far greater than the spirit of wealth and other titles. It requires passion, it creates opportunities for self-education and self –expression, polishing skills and gifts. That is the driving force: the optimisation of oneself, the daily push towards self-improvement, which separates those who merely pass through time from the successful.

Therefore, hope, determination, and hard work are the three major pillars that should guide any person towards striving for an optimal and purposeful life. Collectively, they enable one to face life and overcome daily odds, fight dilemmas, and transform personal sufferings and dreams into victories. As we live through the fluidity and uncertainty of life, let us not forget all the hope that introduces new changes, all the determination that runs through it, and the hard work that defines success. As for it in fact, only by pursuing these virtues relentlessly one learns not only how to survive but how to thrive after moving through the fire.

It is a powerful and world-defining force even if one is unable to identify what it is that gives one hope. Thus, people become a source of light for others, helping to find the way through the darkness of life’s hardships and gloom. In this article we discuss about importance of hope in our lifetime and how and why it should not be given up.

Hoping adds meaning and purpose to life to make it worth living. During some type of situation or crisis, it provides hope for the person,s future, that his or her situation will not remain like this. For instance, whether in a personal, professional, or social context, hope encourages people to think positively in challenging situations and seek better opportunities for improvement.

More importantly, hope fosters spirit in dealing with the adversities in life. It familiarizes the people with the notion that there is always the capacity and the ways to tackle the toughest of the challenges. While those with hope look forward to success with expectations of passing through a series of hitches with the belief that every failure is just another phase towards success.

Also, hope promotes positive emotional states and personal psychological functioning. Multiple studies prove that positive thinking has positive effects on stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as has positive socio-psychological impact on subjects’ perceptions of optimism, gratitude, and satisfaction. Regularly, if people are alert to potential positives in life, they will not be stuck in past mistakes or the mere thought of tomorrow’s misfortunes arising.

Notably, hope is used as a tool to bring change to the society as well as encourage people to unite and stand for a cause. If people are made to expect a change in society, they will be driven together towards change with respect to certain issues they consider important such as equality for all, combating oppression, or handling environmental issues. Hope empowers a society to come together, challenge itself and bring about changes positively impacting individuals and societies nearer and farther.