Full moon in June 2024 happened on June 21. This full moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Full Moon and occurred in the zodiac of Sagittarius. The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs when the full moon synchronises with the Sagittarius which symbolises big picture thinking, adventure, and exploration. This is because Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter and therefore the sign seeks truth, freedom as well as bigness or expansion. This Full Moon will shine on the aspects of our lives that require the decisions and actions to break through to the next level. Now is a very powerful time to let go of certain perceptions and to open up to newer ways of looking at things.


This Full Moon in Sagittarius will fall in your ninth house of learning, journey, and learning. This is a time used to travel out into new environments, think of going back to school or even practise on religious matters. An ability to challenge the norms and seek for unusual adventures is likely to emerge.


For the Taurus, this Full Moon shines in the eighth house of rebirth, regeneration, changes and investments. You may get into various financial businesses that need solutions, partnership matters, or even complex emotional issues. A sleep state is a perfect period to let go of the fears and accept all the change.


This Full Moon takes place in your seventh house of unions, which means that partnership-related issues can be highlighted. Still, you may easily get carried away with your close ones and notice their weaknesses more often. It’s important where there are shifts in interactions, either to work on rebuilding the relationship or letting go to reconstruct something new and more fulfilling.


During the lunar phase, the Full Moon is placed in the sixth house that rules over your wellbeing, schedule, and job. It contributes to your well-being and productivity, so focus on yourself. It is time to get rid of such attitudes, do good to yourself, and reconsider how many hours per week you spend working.


In your case, Leo, this Full Moon is active in your fifth house of art, love, and youngsters. You are likely to be more creative, and it will also make you come up with new ideas as you feel enthusiastic. Paint, sculpt, dance, sing, write fiction, cook gourmet delicacies for family and friends, or begin a passionate affair.


This comes at the Full Moon phase in your fourth house now that concerns home and family matters. It is a good year for handling family matters, remodelling your house, and reconciling quarrels in the family context.


There shall be more commotion and probability of good news. That is a perfect time for study, interaction between students and professor, even for discussion. Settle old disagreements and explain and make good with your siblings or neighbours.


For Scorpio, the Full Moon illuminates the second Sector which is related to money, attitudes to it, and self-esteem. More so, it is in relation to the financial aspect of the issues as opinionism plays out. This is an opportune moment to do the following: make a list of the kind of financial planning that you want; a plan of how you want your financial situation to turn out.


The time for change, for new decisions, for a new perspective, for transformation and new resolutions. Reflect on the strategies of entering and navigating spaces that you use when interacting with the world and reflect on the areas of mismatches to be more authentic.


This Full Moon shines its Light primarily on the twelfth astrological house focusing on spirituality, seclusion, and subconscience. This is a perfect time to forgive ourselves and those who traumatised us in the past. Take heed of your visions and feelings because sometimes your dreams might give you great inspiration.


Moving to the Full Moon chart, you have the Full Moon in Aquarius, which illuminates your eleventh house of friendships, associations, and dreams. Group daydreams may revolve around social situations, professional contacts, and cooperative endeavours. It is a good time for setting or re-orientation of goals based on brand values.


The Full Moon in pisces is also illuminating the tenth house of career, reputation, and public life. Professional affairs come into focus. This is a perfect time to look for appreciation at the workplace or promotions, or if you are unsatisfied with your job and planning a career switch.