As in the multiple domains of physical and moral appeal, there are some people endowed with a magic that goes beyond sexual attraction. Shadows of their characters, lines of their faces – the small cast of men with evident sexuality in their features that make an impressive impression. In this search, let us discover the most handsome zodiac signs and investigate the special traits that make them stand out and the nature of their personalities reflected on their face.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos, being governed by the sun sign, are vivacious, charismatic from the sole of their feet to the top of their head. They are compelled to follow them as people are pulled in by their charismatic poser and authoritative demeanour. People born under this sign are muscular, and they have sharp jaws and big eyes that show intense emotions; they have beautiful teeth that shine when they smile. Their temper and passion show in their facial features and the rock-like hardness of their bodies gives their faces a warmth and liveliness that cannot be overlooked.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libras, that are ruled by the glorious planet Venus, are known to be quite classy and polite in their demeanour. The features and face shapes of their models are always proportional thus reflecting the traditional fashion style. Libras are endowed with good looks, attractive smiles, and cheeks that will melt like caramel, and beautiful, expressive eyes that mirror their gentleness. They are valuable in their ability for interpersonal relationships because of their capability to emotionally captivate individuals and make a memorable impression.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This Water sign under the rule of the powerful and enigmatic Pluto has its mesmerising nature that one cannot leave indifferent. They emit a captivating stare and mystery that pulls people towards them wishing to be closer and understand their depth. Scorpios usually develop killer features, great looking eyes, sharp cheekbones and intense personality to stand out. With the extra edge of the mysterious and the seductive, they provide a bonus to their ruggedly masculine looks.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

With Mercury as the ruling planet, geminis are born charmers and their subtle humour has the unique ability to entice. This is evident given that their face and body movements are active and full of energy, thus implying that they are intelligent and flexible. Geminis have quick sharp eyes, cheerful lips that tend to form a smile that is both playful and infectious, and young looking faces that portray dynamism. Their intelligence makes them super friendly and jovial, add to that their good looks and you find yourself with an irresistible character.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians, guided by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, are quite distinctive in personality and come across as different from the rest of the lot. This can be seen in their special and unique looks that don’t fit the norm or the mundane category. Therefore, Aquarians are usually very good looking individuals; in fact, they have sharp features, angular jaws, penetrating eyes and are somewhat detached, which makes them mysteriously attractive. knowledge seeking and liberal views give them character besides their good looks being liked by people who are appealing to uniqueness.